A Tribute to Bishop Gopie Samlal: Pioneer of Abundant Life Ministries

Bishop Gopie Samlal's Ordination

The main advocate behind the organization of Abundant Life Ministries was Bishop Goopie Samlal, now deceased. Bishop Samlal first inaugurated Abundant Life Ministries at his home with just 17 persons. He had been an instrumental figure in propelling the Ministries to various areas over Trinidad. Notably, he gave his life, time and possessions to aid the progression and development of his ministry.

Bishop Samlal, who came from modest beginnings and was brought up in an orthodox Hindu home, first accepted Jesus Christ as Lord at age 17 after a missionary group had ministered to him. Though he had fallen back in his service to Christ and the Church for a period, Bishop Samlal soon recognized his calling and re- gave his life to Christ by his early twenties. With forceful determination and fervor for his faith in Christianity, Bishop Samlal along with Pastor Harry Mahabir, Evangelist Subia and Pastor Suresh, all of whom he had met along his Christian journey, formed a church board and give themselves the name, Abundant Life Ministries.

Bishop Gopie Samlal
Bishop Samlal's Wife: Pastor Beena Samlal

By 1986, these men had instituted the first Abundant Life Ministries Church in San Juan. The ambitions and goals of Bishop Samlal and his team were further recognized with the establishment of a second branch of Abundant life Ministries, in Chaguanas, in 1987. As the ministry flourished the board and members of Abundant Life Ministries worked arduously to continue their work at delivering the gospel of Jesus Christ to the population of Trinidad. Subsequently, their determination resulted in the founding of two more branches of Abundant Life Ministries, located at San Fernando and Abundant Life Ministries of Tunapuna, which represented their last constituted branch.